It’s the final week of SPEAK!’s “Month of Women”! (Watch next week for a recap and summary of 12 fantastic female speaker options—why limit ourselves to 4 weeks?)
Our goal in April has been to demonstrate that even though less than 10% of keynote speakers are women, there are some absolutely INSPIRING female speakers out there.
And by any measurement, Robyn Benincasa leads the way!
If your franchise system could use the power of teamwork to help them thrive through change (not just survive), read on!
Robyn Benincasa is the Founder of World Class Teams and for the last 20 years has been successfully competing alongside her teammates in the most unique and compelling classrooms on earth—from the jungles of Borneo to the desert of Namibia—studying the good, the bad, and the not-so-pretty in extreme teamwork and mastering the skills required to inspire a group of people through the maze of changing conditions in pursuit of a common goal. Sounds a lot like the world of franchise leadership, right?
As a team strategist, Robyn’s message addresses how to create true synergy among teammates, making them better together than any individual could ever be alone. From top leadership to the front-line, the franchise team learns to approach challenges with a team mentality!
Whether you’re trying to beat the competition to market, scale a looming mountain of a project or simply get your team all marching in the same direction, Robyn’s message on human synergy will coach your franchise team to success!
Could Robyn be a perfect fit for your next event as you address change in your franchise system? I’d love to discuss the possibility! Robyn’s keynote fees start at $18,500 and she travels from San Diego, CA.
More soon…
P.S. One of Robyn’s 8 Essential Elements of Human Synergy is Adversity Management. Interesting.