The SPEAK! ‘Month of Women’: Debra Fine: People Buy From Their Friends

Welcome to Week #3 of SPEAK!’s “Month of Women”!

Debra FineOur passion this month is to get the word out that despite the fact that less than 10% of keynote speakers are women, there are some FANTASTIC female speakers out there engaging audiences and delivering exceptional messages!

Our next featured speaker is Debra Fine. Believe it or not, while Debra is now a professional keynote speaker, trainer and is invited regularly on national media to discuss effective communication, she began her career as an engineer—a career that allowed her to maintain her natural shyness and avoid situations that required social and personal interactions.

Today, Debra is passionate about teaching everyone (from front-line staff, general managers and franchisees to field managers and franchise executives) tangible, learnable conversation skills and business networking techniques that build rapport and create business friendships. Because…

All things being equal, people do business with their friends.

All things NOT being so equal, people STILL do business with their friends.”

See Debra in action, delivering real-world examples that will transform the relationships of your franchisees within their communities.

Let’s talk about the possibility of Debra presenting at your next conference or convention. Her fees start at $7,500 and she travels from Denver.

More soon…


P.S. Over the holidays, Debra appeared on CBS Sunday Morning to discuss holiday small talk—useful for parties anytime!  🙂 

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