Create Breakout Sessions That Earn Rave Reviews!

Often franchisors leverage internal talent or vendor partner subject matter experts to deliver content in their breakout track curriculum. Wouldn’t you love to have your franchisees engaged, participating, excited and tactically ready to implement new tools and techniques into their businesses as soon as they return home? One of the biggest concerns (and sometimes complaints) […]

Did I Have You at Hello?

Steve Harper, Founder of Ripple Central, bounded onto our radar recently through a valued and dear franchise industry friend and we LOVE the opportunities his message uncovers. (Stay tuned for his full details as we officially add him to our SPEAK! roster soon. 🙂 )   “Rippling is all about transcending the traditional ways you […]

Ricky Kalmon: Refreshingly Different—Decidedly WOW!

Ricky is fascinating, hilarious (and always tasteful 🙂 ) and “on the edge of your seat” unpredictable as a Stage Hypnotist…but he also delivers an invaluable, motivational and practical message on the power of the subconscious mind in our personal and professional results DAILY. Ricky WOWed one of our wonderful franchise clients earlier this month […]

Mike Abrashoff: Leading With Humility Changes Culture

Former Commander of the USS Benfold, Mike Abrashoff recently reflected on the things he learned from Secretary of Defense William Perry. This is an excerpt: “An arrogant leader makes it tougher for the troops to do their job. Nobody wants to do business with you or your team if you come across in an arrogant […]

Andy Core: Why Not Thrive?

Andy Core recently knocked it out of the park for one of our clients! In fact the overwhelming sentiment from the planning team as well as the attendees was, “we wish his session had been mandatory, because people were bummed to have missed it!” Andy is a credentialed, award-winning thought leader on increasing employee engagement, […]

Dan Thurmon: Off Balance On Purpose

So your franchise system is dealing with change, right? Does uncertainty cause your franchise team to grab tight to stay safe? To protect what they have, know or do? OR does change look like opportunity? If you do nothing else with this newsletter, there are a couple quick segments of Dan Thurmon’s video which I highly […]

Opportunity Cost Meets the To-Do List

A dear friend sent me this smart and thought-provoking article found on Quartz a couple weeks back and it has stayed with me—leaving me to ponder….what is MY greatest export? Intrigued? I HIGHLY recommend the read. How can the 1817 economic principle, the theory of comparative advantage, change your life today? Read on… An Economic […]

Gerry O’Brion: Find & Keep ‘A-Players’!

SPEAK! has had the pleasure of working with nationally recognized speaker and branding expert, Gerry O’Brion for a few years now and he continues to exceed franchisor and franchisee expectation, each and every time—more and more—hitting homerun after homerun! Gerry works with lots of franchises—MANY within the foodservice sector. And listening to franchise teams, he […]

Franchise Execs Delivering Presentations That ROCK Their Franchise Conventions!

Being in the business of speaking, I KNOW the incredible value of delivering targeted content that ROCKS an audience. And at franchise conventions, in addition to outside, professional speakers (and sometimes in lieu of), franchise execs are front and center, on stage presenting to their franchise teams. The opportunity is great, the stakes are high […]