Sitting Down with Ford Saeks: Internet Marketing Expert & Business Growth Specialist

One of our all-time favorite speakers here at SPEAK!, Ford Saeks, recently sat down with me to talk about franchise growth—and as always, I came away with more than a few valuable tidbits. Ford Saeks Video Series Our conversation includes the following topics: A Passion for Franchises Engagement: A Key Driver in Franchise Success Shortening […]
Perfect Timing – Greg’s Healthy Franchise Relationships 2-Minute Tip

“The slower you go, the faster you go.” Right? Read on to hear more from Greg Nathan in his 2-Minute Franchise Relationships Tip this week. Perfect Timing Greg’s Healthy Franchise Relationships 2-Minute Tips #128 We’ve just landed in Sydney. The ding goes off and the aisle quickly fills with people grabbing for their luggage. […]
Evan Hackel: Cooperation. Commitment. Passion. Loyalty.

Cooperation. Commitment. Passion. Loyalty. Could you use more of these within your franchisee relationships? Evan Hackel is one of the most sought-after speakers (and one of my personal favorites 🙂 ) for driving these four transformational values within a franchise system. His keynotes and workshops consistently improve an organization’s culture—increasing sales and satisfaction, improving growth […]
What happens to our business goals when we’re drained of energy, motivation, and positivity?

Andy Core’s Keynote re-energizes audiences, even after a festive awards night! Energy and motivation in spades (that also delivers tangible change) is in store when Andy Core takes the stage! Sometimes we work too hard and end up sacrificing our business goals because our people (and ourselves) are drained of energy, motivation, and […]
May the Force Be With You! – Greg Nathan’s 2-Minute Healthy Franchise Relationships Tip
Answering the big questions is the theme of Greg Nathan’s Two-Minute Franchise Relationships Tip this week. Economics, psychology or philosophy? Read on… May The Force Be With You! Greg Nathan’s Healthy Franchise Relationships 2-Minute Tips #127 There’s a story about a young man who was looking for answers to the big questions in life. Someone […]
Dennis Snow Refocuses Franchisees on the Customer Experience: What Happens When Cinderella Takes a Coffee Break?

Dennis Snow encourages us to ask ourselves: How much of our focus (and time), our franchisees’ focus (and time) and their employees’ focus (and time) is spent fine-tuning goals, processes and tasks? What if we turned our lens around? What if we refocused and peered through the lens of our customers? Every detail of […]
Having John Francis at your next franchise event will be a game-changer!

In most franchise circles, John Francis needs no introduction. It’s very possible he’s spoken at a franchise convention or meeting you’ve attended or planned, served on a franchisor board or industry committee you are familiar with — OR maybe you’ve just been lucky enough to spend some time with John at a franchise industry event. […]
Why Do 28% of Franchisees Get the Thumbs Down?

Greg Nathan’s Healthy Franchise Relationships Two-Minute Tip Sometimes it takes a staggering statistic, like the fact that 28% percent of franchisees receive poor performance scores from franchisor executives, in order to create the shift necessary to improve these relationships. In this week’s Two-Minute Healthy Franchise Relationship Tip from Greg Nathan, we get great insight on […]
Tips on Setting Your Franchise Convention Speakers Up for Success – Part Three – 5 Critical Logistical Details

In this third and final clip in our three-part series on Setting Your Speaker Up for Success, Troy Hazard and I chat about the 5 key elements of the physical plant and their value in maximizing your speaker investment. As a franchise system grows, and their events are transitioning from a home-grown family affair into […]
Tips on Setting Your Franchise Convention Speakers Up for Success – Part Two – Maximize the Energy in the Room

In Part Two of our three-part series, Troy Hazard and I chat about how to create and maintain a fabulously high, very fun, and full-on engaging energy for the conference overall and for your keynote investment specifically. Great franchise convention energy does not just happen. It’s intentionally created and carefully choreographed. Maximize your speaker investment […]