Drum Café: Hands-On Team Building Like You’ve Not Seen!

Despite what their name suggests, Drum Café West Coast is not a physical venue—it’s an absolutely unforgettable rhythmic experience! Drum Café provides an exhilarating and immersive franchise team-building experience that uses drumming as a medium to promote teamwork and communication, for any group size! Talk about bam!! Check this out: Can you envision it? Opening […]
A Beginner’s Mind
Greetings franchise friends. One of our favorite, dynamic franchise presenters, Dan Thurmon, creates short (less than 3 minutes!) but highly insightful videos each week…from wherever he is traveling. I’ve come to look forward to them! I loved this particular one, on the ‘Beginner’s Mind’ and wanted to pass along. Dan poses these questions: What is the […]
Seth Mattison: Where Does Your Leader Sit?

“In the new world of work, the leader no longer sits on the top of the chart. The leader sits in the middle of the network—and what a powerful place to be. The leader can connect with everyone—and more importantly, everyone can connect with them.” Looking for a fresh keynoter that rocks your next franchisee convention? […]
Greg Nathan: Would You Like A Portrait With That? – Greg’s Healthy Franchise Relationships 2-Minute Tip

I absolutely loved this story of service excellence which Greg passed on recently and wanted to do the same… “We all love an interesting customer service story, so I’m going to share two contrasting experiences from similar businesses. The lessons are compelling. But first, some good news. Last week The Franchise Relationships Institute was awarded […]
Vince Poscente: Accelerate Past Obstacles!

Accelerate Toward Big Goals with…Alignment. Agility. Efficiency. Vince Poscente was a recreational skier who rose to the ranks of an Olympic skier in just four short years. Next goal? Win the gold—but it didn’t happen. Things got in the way, but not in the way of him becoming successful. Vince had to bounce back and […]
Making Your Board Effective – Greg’s Healthy Franchise Relationships 2-Minute Tip

This seemed like a particularly valuable and tactical tip from Greg, so I wanted to pass it on… “Yesterday at Natadola Beach in Fiji I ticked an item off my bucket list. I wobbled my way to shore riding a wave. Yes it was on one of those longboards from the ’60s and it was […]
Why a Gen Y’s Average Time On Job Is 3 Years and What To Do About It

Cheryl Cran (a new addition to our SPEAK! roster and an expert on the future of work), recently wrote down a few thoughts and tips regarding retaining Millenials. I found it useful and thought you might as well, so I’m passing it along. Feel free to forward it to your franchisees if you find it […]
Cheryl Cran – When Will The Disruptions & Change Stop!?!?!

We’ve likely all figured this out (and yet still yearn for constancy), but yep…in the future of work, the pace of ongoing disruption and change will not stop. Cheryl Cran believes the key is how we reorganize ourselves individually in order to be leaders that inspire others to “go with” the disruptions. Adapt and be […]
Does searching for a keynote speaker sometimes feel like online dating?

…pouring through profile after profile, sorting and sorting to narrow down the search, watching videos, reading auto-biographic words about background, strengths and passions, trying to read between the lines to find the perfect fit—all the while wondering what is it you’re NOT seeing? Now I’ll admit, sometimes this really IS fun AND sometimes successful (I […]
Evan Hackel: Building Teams, Energy, Excitement & Collaboration!

“What would happen to your franchise business if you could get everyone in the system engaged, involved and open to growth and change?” Evan Hackel is founder of Ingage Consulting, which focuses on franchisee performance by improving franchise system relationships. He is a talented, engaging and dynamic, expert facilitator who pulls the collective knowledge from […]