With 2017 approaching a halfway point (did I just say that?!?!?), many of you have your 2017 events in the rearview mirror or will very soon. So over here at […]
Event dollars are precious…whether you’re investing in an outside speaker for the first time or utilizing outside talent throughout your agenda! Of course, finding the perfect speaker fit is [...]
We were talking to our friend Marcus Johnson, from the Reno/Tahoe Convention Visitor’s Bureau about franchise convention destinations the other day and he mentioned a great article from the [...]
Here’s Part 3 of SPEAK’s series with tips for creating Fantastic Franchise Conventions! In January, I again had the wonderful opportunity to co-facilitate (with Marcus Johnson, Reno/Tahoe [...]
When looking to update our information on green meetings (because it had been 2015 since we’ve really taken a dive into this), I ran across something fresh that I wanted […]
At IFA in January, I again had the wonderful opportunity to co-facilitate (with Marcus Johnson, Reno/Tahoe Visitors Bureau) a Business Solutions Roundtable and listened to some of the most [...]
Innovation is great, but proven, fresh ideas from other franchisors about their conventions…that’s awesome, right? In January, I again had the wonderful opportunity to co-facilitate (with Marcus [...]
Being in the business of speaking, I KNOW the incredible value of delivering targeted content that ROCKS an audience. And at franchise conventions, in addition to outside, professional speakers [...]
I was in an audience recently when a speaker took the stage with little more than a, “without further ado, here’s your speaker”. My reaction was…wait, WHAT!?!? WHO is this? […]
…pouring through profile after profile, sorting and sorting to narrow down the search, watching videos, reading auto-biographic words about background, strengths and passions, trying to read [...]