Greg Nathan Franchise Relations Tip #33: How to Avoid the Drama Triangle
This week Greg offers tips on how to avoid drama within your franchise organization and within your personal life. How to Avoid the Drama Here”s an amazing coincidence. I am writing this tip on my iPad, musing on how people deal with frustration and disappointment, an important topic for franchisees and franchisors. My wife Ann […]
Greg Nathan Franchise Relations Tip #32: How to Get Others to Work With You
This week Greg discusses the power of collaboration. How to Get Others to Work With You Have you ever felt frustrated because other people are not working with you? The technical word for this is a lack of collaboration. (By the way my wife, a Latin scholar, tells me the word collaboration comes from the Latin […]
Profitable Partnerships Early Bird Discount Expires Friday, July 22nd!
Have you been considering joining us for a Profitable Partnerships Boot Camp? Spend two valuable days with Greg Nathan, a world leader on creating profitable partnerships, and learn how to achieve exceptional results through the power of collaboration. * Increase franchise satisfaction and validation * Create a healthy performance driven franchise culture * Transform field […]
Greg Nathan Franchise Relations Tip #30: How to Breathe New Life Into Your Meeting
This week Greg offers tips on how to improve the quality, effectiveness and communication of meetings with your franchisees. How to Breathe New Life Into Your Meetings How would you rate the effectiveness of your franchisee group meetings? Most franchisors and franchisees have mixed feelings. On one hand they value the opportunity to get together. […]
Greg Nathan's Tip #29: Taking the Pain From Change
This week Greg discusses the benefits of including franchisees in decisions about changes within your franchise system. Taking the Pain From Change Isn't it great when you have one of those light bulb moments and see something familiar in a fresh light? It happened to me recently while facilitating a course on Franchise Relationships. We […]
"Avoiding 10 Common Mistakes in Franchise Relations" webinar a great success!
We’re excited to share that Greg Nathan’s first webinar of the season was a great success! Last week, Greg, Founder of the Franchise Relationships Institute and facilitator of our Profitable Partnerships Boot Camps, spoke on “Avoiding 10 Common Mistakes in Franchise Relations.” As the title suggests, Greg guided webinar attendees through what actions franchisors should […]
Greg Nathan's Franchise Relations Tip #22: What Fred DeLuca Taught Me at Niagara Falls
h3>Greg Nathan's Tip #22 This week Greg addresses the importance of communicating clearly, simply and directly within your franchise organization. What Fred DeLuca Taught Me at Niagara Falls A few weeks ago I met Fred DeLuca, the founder of Subway. We were the opening speakers at the Canadian Franchise Association Conference. Fred opened, I followed. […]