Connie Dieken is an Emmy award-winning winning journalist and analyst who decodes what makes franchise teams influential in a rapidly changing world. Her insights and analytics help your franchisees strategize and elevate their ability to lead and build teams by recruiting and retaining top talent. Of course, these skills attract and retain customers as well.
Each program is customized to the needs of your franchise team. If desired, Connie will provide access to a private portal for your franchisees to access The Dieken Group’s validated Influence360º psychometric assessment tool.
Influence360º identifies personal influence patterns, helping to analyze why you can successfully change some people’s minds, but have difficulty with others. Each attendee would receive personalized assessment results, motivating them before Connie steps on stage to keynote your conference. Once they hear her message, they’re ready to implement their learnings to grow their business.
Using her research, Connie shares how to connect with anyone, regardless of the conditions; how to convey information without overwhelming (or underwhelming) people; and how to convince even the most difficult people in today’s time-pressed world.
Founder of Influence360˚™
Connie Dieken is the founder of The Dieken Group—an executive coaching and consulting firm that advises CEOs and other senior leaders in the spotlight. Connie helps these leaders deliver influential messages in high-pressure situations.
Her clients are leaders in some the world’s best-known organizations including Apple, HP, Nestlé, and The Cleveland Clinic.
Connie developed her unique skills during her twenty years as a TV journalist for ABC and NBC. She received five Emmy Awards®, two Telly Awards®, and was inducted into the Radio/Television Broadcasters Hall of Fame.®
While anchoring news programs, Connie would interview people of power, including President Bill Clinton and Jack Welch. As a result, she became fascinated with how leaders influence and gain commitment. This fascination prompted her to leave broadcasting and launch her own company in 2000.
Although Connie already had years of qualitative data on how people influence, she also wanted data that was quantitative. When she launched her firm, she began an ongoing research study with over 20,000 respondents that became the statistically valid assessment tool, Influence 360°. Influence 360° measures an individual’s personal influence patterns, and guides them on how to become leaders capable of influencing in any situation, regardless of the conditions.
Using the influence research as a foundation, she created training programs that are taught worldwide in corporate universities including The Influence Lab® and Present to Win®.
In 2006, The National Association of Women Business Owners named Connie one of the Top 10 Female Business Owners of Northeast Ohio. In 2007, the Leadership Ohio Think Tank honored her with its Small Business Award of Excellence. In 2017, Global Gurus named Connie a Top 10 Global Guru of Executive Coaching.
Connie has been interviewed about her work for numerous media outlets, including, CNBC, Crain’s Business, Investor’s Business Daily, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.
Connie is a top-selling author. Both her books, Talk Less, Say More and Become the Real Deal, hit #1 on the Amazon bestseller list. The audio version of Talk Less, Say More, narrated by Connie, reached #1 on Audible’s bestseller list.
Connie is also a renowned keynote speaker. She’s delivered speeches on four continents to audiences in the thousands. She talks about how to develop leadership presence and lasting influence. Her speaking clients include Berkshire Hathaway, Citibank, Dow Corning, Dr. Pepper, eBay, Ingram, Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, Old Dominion, The Home Depot, and Unicentro.
Along with her keynote speeches for corporations, Connie is a guest lecturer for executive education and MBA programs in business schools such as Case Western University, Clemson University, Indiana University, and The Ohio State University.
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Learn how the most successful leaders influence their world. It’s the most powerful skill in your arsenal.
This is a talk on influence that’s unlike any other. It’s not about how to get what you want by manipulating others. It’s not about shallow, sneaky, short-term persuasion tactics that can blow up in your face and ruin relationships. Instead, this talk reveals a higher state that anyone can use to make their greatest contributions to the world: the state of Influence 360.
When you reach this level of influence, you have the ability to change minds, behavior, and outcomes for lasting results. You earn commitment, not mere compliance. People trust your judgment, respect your opinion, and seek you out for help on important decisions.
True influencers don’t play the game, they change the game…even when conditions are challenging, communication is collapsing, and people are difficult.
Influence 360 is based on Connie Dieken’s life’s work as a CEO advisor, journalist and researcher. For twenty years, Connie was a television journalist for ABC and NBC where she’d interview influential leaders including heads of state and CEOs. Intrigued by how they tried to influence decisions and outcomes, she began a research study on leadership influence that has been ongoing for twenty years and has had over 20,000 participants.
In the study, called Influence 360, she uncovered the three habits of Very Influential People (VIPs)—a pattern that has the ability to change people’s lives both at work and at home.
Connie’s Influence 360 talk is deeply substantive, highly interactive, and entertaining. As the talk unfolds, your audience will discover:
Senior leaders are under a new type of pressure. It’s not good enough to just lead, you must be principled.
Leaders have to be aware of how their every word and move are scrutinized. Until recently, most leaders had time to think about how their actions might influence employees and the marketplace. Their comments could be thoroughly vetted prior to release. But that buffer is gone. Breathing space has vanished in the spotlight’s glare.
Today, a senior leader’s words travel in the blink of an eye. Even offhanded comments, internal messages, and personal moments get passed around in ways the leader never imagined. Outside the organization, thousands, even millions of people on social media judge the leader’s actions and intentions. Inside the organization, employees at all levels invoke the leader’s name as a means of advancing their own agendas, even when those agendas don’t align with the company’s values and strategies.
What a leader does—or doesn’t do—is easily magnified and misinterpreted.
Everything hangs in the balance: the valuation of the organization, the dynamics with the board of directors, people’s jobs, the ability to recruit and retain top talent, customer relationships, and the public’s perception—not to mention the leader’s legacy.
All senior leaders are now thrust into the spotlight, whether they want to be or not. A spotlight leader needs distinct skills not taught in business schools—skills that are every bit as important as any technical knowledge that a leader brings to their role.
Connie shares the results of her ongoing 20 year, 20,000 person research study—called Influence360™—which uncovers the habits that lead to extraordinary influence. Senior leaders will discover how to:
It’s time to stop delivering ineffective presentations. They are your platform to influence.
A presentation is a concentrated form of influence. Yet 95% of people in organizations who give them squander their opportunities. They doom themselves to failure, in fact, before they’ve even delivered word-one. Why? They’re so busy building bloated slide decks that they lose sight of the reason why they’re presenting in the first place.
Simply put, your job is to influence an audience to take action on a specific outcome.
Any message, whether visual, words, or spoken that disrupt this flow is a barrier to own ability to influence your desired outcome and change minds.
Learn how to influence audiences with integrity using reverse-engineering, critical thinking skills, and empathy.
The groundbreaking Present to Win® was developed by Connie Dieken, a leading global CEO advisor, award-winning TV journalist, and Hall of Fame speaker who’s delivered compelling keynotes on five continents to audiences of thousands. She walks the talk and has influenced thousands of executives and audience members to be more effective presenters.
Your audience will learn from an empathetic coach known for quickly leveling up every speaker.
Your participants will discover insights on how to create influential presentations for win/win results, including how to:
Connie! Your presentation: I loved it!! It was exactly what we need to continue to build our momentum and gain field support. We continue to receive tons of favorable feedback from the event. Thank you again for your time and energy.
Dr. Pepper - Snapple Group, VP, Assistant Controller
Wow, Connie was an incredible hit at our Women’s Symposium. We received rave reviews from our attendees on Connie’s presentations. She gave us a full day of her time and even stayed to do a book signing. She is the real deal and an outstanding presenter!!! We would book her again.
Miami University, Senior Director of Development
Connie is enthusiastic and energetic. She has an engaging personality and positive vibe that is contagious. She delivered the message as we discussed prior to the event. Connie is accessible and very easy to work with. I instantly felt like I knew her from our very first phone conversation, Very enjoyable!
Old Dominion Freight Lines, Mgr, Events & Sports Marketin
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