I sat down recently with extraordinary franchise keynote speaker, Scott Greenberg, to talk about all things franchise: the top performing franchisee mindset, franchise culture, millennials, game-changing customer service, franchisor/franchisee relationships and more. As a past elite performing multi-unit franchisee himself, Scott has a unique perspective— and franchisees connect to it immediately.
Here, Scott talks about the difference and value of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation when it comes to recruiting, engaging and retaining employees…and yes, even millennials.Book Scott Greenberg Now!Interesting, right? Watching this again, I cannot help but think about my own motivations and those of the SPEAK! Team. You’re likely thinking of your team as well. Food for thought, thanks Scott. 😊
Both from the main stage or within a breakout session, Scott engages, opens eyes and enables franchisees to enhance their bottom line with motivating and tactical deliverables. His keynote fees start at $10,000 (a fantastic value!) and he travels from LA. If your franchise organization has not yet utilized Scott as a difference maker for your franchisees, he should probably be on your radar—let’s connect and talk.
More soon,
P.S. Scott’s demo video gives you a feel for his ability to connect and deliver from the stage!