Poker Anyone?

I just ran across an article from MeetingsNet and thought it was smart, concise and useful. So, of course, I thought I’d pass it along.  🙂 

Attorney Barbara Dunn O’Neal says regarding contract negotiations,
“It’s not poker people, put your cards on the table.”

Check out the full article, Contracts 101: Know Before You Negotiate, and see if you agree AND for a few more tips.

And if you have event topics that you’d love to read about, let me know. We’re looking at gathering and compiling research from fellow franchisors to pass along for your use and would love to know what you’d like to hear more about!

More soon…


P.S. Were you aware that August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day? Well, apparently it is, so enjoy a cookie…or two! Thinking…perhaps next year our plans can include a cookie mailing to our favorite franchisors? Let me know if you want to know how to get on this list!  😉 

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It’s All We Do!

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