What does a ‘NO DIVAS’ POLICY actually mean?

Our clients often laugh out loud when we share our third speaker evaluation criteria, our ‘No Divas’ Policy. This is our way of saying that we only work with professional speakers who are genuinely kind humans and want to serve your audience and you with an open heart.

We are proud to share a frequent comment from our clients,
“You always send us the nicest speakers to work with!”

And equally important, what we hear from our valued Speaker Partners,
“You always send us to the nicest clients!”

Nothing we LOVE more than connecting smart, kind people with smart, kind people.

Here’s what our “NO DIVAS” POlICY means to us:

After all, our job at Franchise Speakers is to find you the ….

…. RIGHT speaker to connect with your teams

…. With the RIGHT message

…. At the RIGHT investment level

Contact us for a FREE 30-minute consultation. We’ love to help you make your next event an outstanding success.

What Our Clients Say

See how we’ve helped other franchise brands create impactful events.