From the lowest ranked performance to the shining star.
Would you love to see turn around like that for some of your franchisees?
How could that sort of transformation impact your franchise system?
Mike Abrashoff took command of the USS Benfold, while morale was low, turnover was high and performance ranked at the bottom of the Pacific Fleet. Twelve months later the ship was the benchmark for performance —using the very same crew. How his crew accomplished this (and this is what he’ll tell you—they did it, not him) is absolutely inspiring.
Mike’s well-known mantra on the ship when the crew presented a problem became,
“What would YOU do? It’s YOUR ship!”
During his keynotes, Mike provides example after example of real leaders achieving dramatic results as they work to address their most pressing people challenges:
Rapid and Continual Innovation
Diversity in the Workforce
Mike shows audiences, by example, how to use their new leadership toolkit. He goes deeply into the how-tos of creating a culture where everyone takes ownership and responsibility for taking performance to the next level.
Mike’s fees start at $25,000 and he travels from Miami, FL. If you’ve seen Mike speak you know it’s inspirational, as well as tactical. And because he customizes his sessions, you can be confident that you’ll not see a repeat performance. Let me know if you’d like to consider Mike for your next franchise conference or convention.
More soon…
P.S. Thought you would appreciate this quote, “You cannot ‘order’ excellence.” – Mike Abrashoff