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Little Blessings

Each morning the Franchise Speakers Team puts our attention on what is going right, what we are grateful for and what heartwarming moments and positive experiences are shining through this unique experience for all of us, both personally and professionally.  We want to share the good things that are happening all around us as well. Please send any of your own “Little Blessings and we’ll post them here.  As Debbie said, I am paying attention to all the “Little Blessings” that are being presented. 

Uplifting, awe inspiring, funny, real and joyful. Some eclectic blessings from our team and network.


Elizabeth Gilbert, author of memoir, EAT, PRAY, LOVE, among several other books, had a recent TED conversation entitled: It’s OK to feel overwhelmed. Here’s what to do next.


Best-selling author of Dare to Lead, expert on courage and vulnerability, Brené Brown has a meaningful new podcast – Unlocking Us

And if you missed it – Brené  Brown on 60 Minutes 3/29/20

And on Netflix – Brené Brown The Call To Courage

And TED Talks

Check back frequently as fresh content is being added daily.

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