Lisa Ford: “We Don’t Have Any Lemons Today” Service

Customer loyalty expert and rock star speaker, Lisa Ford uses humor and real-life stories (like the one in the video below about lemons 🙂 ) to illustrate the irony of the customer service nearly everyone talks about, but very few consistently live and execute from the top to the front-lines.

Lisa addresses the customer experience from a few different angles—

  • through executing on the customer service we talk about
  • through leadership of teams
  • through developing customer focused teams
  • through creating a culture of engagement (see more on this below), which is contagious and highly visible to our customers!

Check out more about one of Lisa’s popular keynote or breakout programs:

Create a Culture of Engagement

To build a successful business, franchisees must have a focused and engaged team. The franchise team makes the difference with the customer, daily results, growth, innovation and profitability. A leader’s actions set the tone for a productive, upbeat and customer focused franchise. Frontline employees want to be engaged, connected contributors.

Lisa delivers franchisees strategies which can take their businesses to the next level for their staff and customers.They will learn what to give employees so they can perform at extraordinary levels—and how to use empowerment and recognition to create engagement. Lisa also discusses the fundamental drivers of engagement to implement immediately.

Lisa is highly engaging, inspiring, TACTICAL—and in the speaking world, her name is synonymous with service excellence. Her fees start at $10,500 and she travels from Atlanta. Lisa is a bullseye selection for a customer service keynote or tactical breakout. Let me know if Lisa sounds like a possible fit for your next franchise event.

More soon…


P.S. Lisa has created several best-selling training video and audio programs AND has customized numerous training videos for clients to use in their ongoing education efforts as well.

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