I get it, Valentine’s Day is traditionally about “significant others”—which is a wonderful thing to celebrate. But I’d like to take the liberty to broaden and twist it a bit. 🙂 So, after a quick exercise in “what do YOU love?” we came up with the…
Top 20 Things We LOVE!
- We love to laugh (often & heartily)!
- We love our amazing clients! (Thank you for your friendship, open communication, responsiveness, integrity, trust and sense of fun.)
- We love TSA Precheck. 🙂
- We love (need) a caffeine zing!
- We love the thrill of hitting a bulls-eye with the perfect speaker to ROCK our clients’ franchise conventions (in fact it’s a happy addiction).
- We love creating brand new lasting relationships—whenever and wherever we can!
- We love comfortable shoes at IFA!
- We love working with SO many smart, passionate, fun, authentic speaker- partners. You guys ROCK! and make us better every day.
- We love a great read. (And always looking for recommendations. 🙂 )
- We LOVE living in Colorado—the sunshine (300 days of it!), the skiing, the hiking! Visit us—anytime!
- We love working remotely and being able to seamlessly integrate our personal and professional lives. BUT…
- We love our “fix” of getting together with Team SPEAK!
- We love dark chocolate. (Debbie isn’t particular on type!)
- We love a PLAN! (and a Plan B.) And a list! (and crossing things off.)
- We love the loyal and pure love of a dog.
- We love exceeding our clients’ expectations—from the first call to the standing ovation!
- We love happy hour on a patio with friends new or old.
- We love spending time with horses.
- We love yoga—Namaste.
- We LOVE to solve problems!
and one more….
- We love to have FUN—it truly inspires us!
I hope this Valentine’s Day is filled with all sorts of love for you.
More soon…
P.S. A few additional loves that didn’t make it into the top 20—a clean desk, a clean house, snow, dancing, a couch that swallows you up, quirky job titles, the ocean, and last, but not least…Netflix. 🙂