Jason Hewlett: Soooo Funny…Soooo Powerful!

When talking about Jason Hewlett, it’s difficult not to lead with how absolutely hilarious he is, BUT his message and authenticity deliver FAR more than just entertainment. Jason’s powerful keynote, The Promise addresses employee engagement, customer experience, embracing change, creating a culture of franchise system engagement as well as work-life balance in a way that has you laughing, thinking and leaving challenged and inspired to create change.

Jason says…

“Why set a goal when you can make a promise?
What promises are you keeping to your customers, team and yourself?
What promises might you be breaking?
Does the commercial of what you advertise match the reality of the experience?”

We are absolutely over the moon to add Jason to our speaker’s roster—I just know his talent and message will grab franchisee audiences in a unique and memorable way.

If Jason could be the ‘something fresh’ for your next convention, let me know. Utilizing him as a keynote and emcee could be a great way to add punch to your event in a super cost-effective way. His fees start at $15,500 and let me tell you he’s FANTASTIC as a hilarious and authentic event emcee—audiences love him and cannot wait to hear what’s he’s going to say! (Ask me about his combo keynote/emcee fees.)

More soon…


P.S. Jason had a Facebook post go viral entitled “I Saw My Wife at Target Today” It’s been read by over 100 million people—check it out, it’s adorable.  🙂 

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