Business growth innovator and keynote, breakout or full day workshop speaker/facilitator, Ford Saeks brings invaluable, ready-to-implement ideas, which will boost the sales of your franchisees.
Ford is smart, savvy, AND down to earth. He inspires because he connects, not from the stage down (even though he’s on a stage 🙂 )…but from a “I have and do walk in your shoes” comradery. Your franchisees will be lock step with Ford’s stories and see with clarity the tangible ideas which will make a difference in their day-to-day businesses. This clear vision creates an energizing confidence which will follow them back to inspire their franchise teams.
Here are a few of Ford’s popular presentations for franchise audiences…
Superpower Success! How to Think, Act and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results!
- Business Growth Acceleration – Helping Franchisees Attract Customers and Make More Money!
- Social Influence for Franchisees: How to Connect, Engage and Convert on a Local Level!
- BOOM! Explosive Insights into Generational Marketing and Trending Technologies for Franchisees.
Because Ford also spends time in business consulting, he is fascinated with and adept at learning about franchise systems. Ford will NOT deliver anything “cookie cutter”. Prior to your event, and with your help, Ford will dive deep into your franchise and your event learning objectives to create a keynote or breakout session that delivers results for your entire team.
Ford is a dynamic, engaging speaker whose wide breadth of marketing content makes him a perfect fit for a marketing breakout session. Paired with a keynote slot, he’s able to take a franchisee audience from business growth strategies into drilled down, day-to-day difference makers for their businesses.
Ford’s fees start at $9,700 and he travels from Wichita, KS. If marketing and tactical business growth are on the agenda for your next franchise convention, Ford may be a fantastic fit—let’s talk!
More soon…
P.S. Ford just recently launched a weekly video quick tip entitled “Fordify” (we LOVE the clever name). It contains marketing nuggets, targeted largely to small business owners—including local franchise owners. Here’s episode #2 entitled, “ Leveraging the Phases of the Buying Process.” You’ll get another window into Ford’s style, personality and tactical content.