Edge of Your Seat Engagement at the FaegreBD Franchise Summit with Chris McChesney

Whew, what a wonderful couple days we just had at the FaegreBD Franchise Summit. As always, it brings together the best and brightest in franchising (if you weren’t there and are one of the best and brightest, please come next year! 😊)

Chris McChesney, co-author of the 4 Disciplines of Execution from Franklin Covey, was the “blow your hair back” opening keynote for the event this year! Between note-taking to capture the proven, transformative principles of execution—to taking in the real-world examples provided by Chris of success at both a leadership team and franchisee level, he provided edge of the seat engagement and LAUGHTER to kick off the event. And over the course of the next couple days, whether in panel discussions, roundtables or overheard conversations…”lead” and “lag” measures were a hot topic. 😊

If you’d like to know more about the options for Chris bringing the 4 Disciplines of Execution to your franchise team, we’d love to connect and explore the possibilities. He’s a “knock it out of the park” convention keynoter!

More soon…

P.S. A huge shout out to the Faegre Baker Daniels team and the incredible Brian Schnell who, again, put on a valuable and top-notch event. And to industry icon, Doc Cohen, whose keynote interview with Brian was packed full of wisdom and fascinating franchise stories!Book Chris McChesney Now!

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It’s All We Do!

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