Kelly McDonald has built her reputation on multicultural marketing. Her signature talk “Crafting the Customer Experience for People Not Like You”, outlines five key principles for franchisees to [...]
‘Resilience’ and ‘Grit’ have been the most in demand topics for our clients these days and it is no wonder! Our longtime partner and renown Stress, Mindfulness, and Life Balance […]
AB Bourke knows peak performance and exacting execution, and he also knows there is no business model in the world that requires that more so than the Franchise Model. For […]
Success comes from influence and impact. And influence and impact comes from thinking differently. Scott Greenberg’s unique approach shows how to achieve at a higher level with a peak performance [...]
Uncertain times have met their match. Futurist Scott Klososky delivers the insights needed for clarity and confidence businesses everywhere are searching for. He has spent years exploring the [...]
Risha’s decades of expertise Diversity & Inclusion can be summed up by her statement: Companies don’t have diversity problems, they have people problems. Her easy-to-implement insights debunk [...]
Simon T. Bailey has brilliant insights for today’s franchise audiences – especially now, with a growing focus on diversity and inclusion, and in a business climate full of uncertainty. As […]
Franchise field managers need ongoing professional development to keep their skills sharp. That’s why we are proud to continue presenting Greg Nathan and The Franchise Relationship Institute’s [...]
Here at Franchise Speakers, we are grateful for the wealth of expert knowledge that we have right at our fingertips! And it goes without saying that speaker partner, Troy Hazard, is one [...]
Jim Knight led Global Training and Development for Hard Rock International for 21 years-- now using his experience to teach franchises of all sizes how to attain their own “rock star” status.