Renowned keynote speaker, 3x bestselling author, and training and development expert Jim Knight teaches franchises organizations of all sizes how to attain their own “rock star” status.
Although his illustrious career started at Gatorland in Florida (he has scars to prove it), Jim cut his teeth in the hospitality training industry and eventually led Global Training for Hard Rock International for two decades. Jim’s customized programs show franchise audiences how to amp up organizational culture, deliver world-class differentiated service, and build rock star teams and leaders.
Jim’s role at Hard Rock involved many facets of organizational training including creating and managing all staff and management training materials and programs; developing franchise operators; facilitating Hard Rock’s corporate university; overseeing management training locations; producing training videos; directing company e-Learning initiatives; facilitating leadership transitions; and traveling to properties to deliver onsite classes and measure company standards.
Jim Knight has been featured in Franchise Times, Forbes Magazine, Inc. Magazine, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Fox Small Business News. Jim has also been a contributing member of Rolling Stone’s Culture Council, since 2020.
Today, Jim Knight is the Owner & CEO of Knight Speaker, delivering numerous programs worldwide on leadership, organizational culture, customer service, and employee engagement and was listed in the “Top 10 Most Booked & Rated Speakers in the U.S.” by The Speaker Experts (2016).
Renowned keynote speaker, author, and training and development expert Jim Knight teaches franchises organizations of all sizes how to attain their own “rock star” status.
Although his illustrious career started at Gatorland in Florida (he has scars to prove it), Jim cut his teeth in the hospitality training industry and eventually led Global Training for Hard Rock International for two decades. Jim’s customized programs show franchise audiences how to amp up organizational culture, deliver world-class differentiated service, and build rock star teams and leaders.
Jim’s role at Hard Rock involved many facets of organizational training including creating and managing allstaff and management training materials and programs; developing franchise operators; facilitating HardRock’s corporate university; overseeing management training locations; producing training videos; directingcompany e-Learning initiatives; facilitating leadership transitions; and traveling to properties to deliver onsiteclasses and measure company standards.
Jim put his experience and creativity to work, which consistently developed cutting-edge training concepts. During his time with the Hard Rock brand, his team won coveted Telly Awards (Guest Service in 2000, MenuRollout in 2007, Harassment & Discrimination Prevention in 2008); garnered Training Directors Forum’s 1998prize for “Reengineering Training”; and won Brandon Hall’s Gold Best in Class Award for their “ServiceRecovery” e-Learning course.
Jim Knight was also recognized by Training Magazine as representing one of the Top 125 training companies in the world out of all industries & businesses. He has since been featured in Franchise Times, Forbes Magazine, Inc. Magazine, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine and Fox Small Business News. Jim has also been a contributing member of Rolling Stone’s Culture Council, since 2020.
Jim has a music degree in Vocal Performance & Education and taught in the Florida public school system for 6 years. He is a lifetime member of CHART (an Association of Hospitality Trainers); previously sat on theCertification Governing Board of the National Restaurant Association; and founded a local training forum &networking group (The Training Summit: CHART’s 1st Regional Training Forum) with over 100 active membersin Central Florida, to share best practices and discuss common issues with other industry professionals.
Today, Jim Knight is the Owner & CEO of Knight Speaker, delivering numerous programs worldwide on leadership, organizational culture, customer service, and employee engagement and was listed in the “Top 10 Most Booked & Rated Speakers in the U.S.” by The Speaker Experts (2016).
Jim is also the best-selling author of Culture That Rocks: How to Revolutionize Your Company’s Culture, a how-to business book designed to amp up a brand in any industry. Entrepreneur Magazine listed the book as one of the “Top 5 Books That Will Transform Your Business”. His latest books, Leadership That Rocks: Take Your Brand’s Culture to Eleven and Amp Up Results and Service That Rocks: Create Unforgettable Experiences and Turn Customers into Fans were amazon #1 Best Sellers. A portion of Jim’s book sales and speaking fees goes to:
• No Kid Hungry – which works to eliminate childhood hunger in the U.S.
• Cannonball Kids’ cancer – which funds innovative, accessible research for children fighting cancer with better treatments, quality of life, and options for those told they have run out of options and
• Tunnel for Towers – which supports 1) fallen emergency first responders and U.S. Gold Star families who have lost a spouse, 2) U.S. service personnel who have been wounded in combat by supplying specially-adapted smart homes, and 3) eradicating homelessness for U.S. military veterans.
A speaker Bio is NOT a speaker INTRO! :) Once you book your perfect speaker, you will be provided a short sharp and compelling SPEAKER INTRO to use when bringing your speaker on stage!
In this high-energy, interactive and visual keynote presentation, franchisee will walk away with impactful and immediate best practies to create, maintain or even revolutionize an organization’s culture, ensuring it stays relevant in the 21st century. The program delves into every area of a company’s environment and reveals realistic solutions for systemic change.
This high-energy and impactful keynote presentation is effectively designed to provide franchise leaders, practical and tactical initiatives to create an iconic business. The program will deliver rapid-fire best practices that any franchisee can immediately put into practice, starting them down the road to rock star success.
This high-energy, interactive and visual keynote presentation focuses on teaching franchisees how to differentiate the organization from the rest of the competition and becoming the business of choice by getting customers to fall madly in love with the brand. This program will deliver thought-provoking and impactful best practices to create mind-searing customer obsession.
This high-energy, interactive and visual keynote presentation focuses on teaching franchisees how to retain team members, by treating them as volunteers. The session is effectively designed to highlight proven ways for franchisees to create and maintain a strong internal team member culture through robust engagement.
All business results (good and bad) occur because of human behaviors. In this high-energy and impactful keynote program, franchisees will learn specific strategies and best practices in every area of The Employee Life Cycle.
In 20 years of producing events for blue chip brands I have never seen such an engagingspeaker as Jim Knight. His content is compelling, informative, relevant to the times, butmost importantly, very emotionally engaging. The audience was absolutely engaged for2 straight hours as Jim articulated his philosophy on brand building with incrediblestories and characters from his experiences. We will be bringing him back!
Principal, The Revelry Agency
As a meetings and events industry veteran, who knows so many speakers personally, Ithink Jim Knight is a rare gem amongst the rest. Hearing Jim’s presentation on “ServiceThat Rocks” helped me to find and hit the ‘reset’ button in my approach with my currentand potential clients. It was just the reminder I needed about the importance of myservice level and how I can use my outstanding service to win customers for life.
President, Inspired Hospitality Recruiting
Jim Knight is one of those presenters who can deliver the message and content in a waythat sticks. His openness and interest in his audience is real and results in a strongconnection. Five years later, we still hear references to his presentation from some ofour members.
Exec Director, Select Independent Funeral Homes
Jim’s knowledge, expertise and passion on a variety of topics is beyond impressive. Hisability to present important substantive ideas in compelling ways that inspire is truly agift. There’s no way to leave one of Jim’s sessions without feeling energized, inspiredand ready to start a revolution in your organization.
Founder, Banding People Together
Jim Knight is the original rock star presenter! He brings an energy and vibe to hispresentations unlike anything you’ve ever seen. We’ve used him on multiple occasionsand he hits (& exceeds) the mark every time. I’m a huge Jim Knight fan!
Past President, Council of Hotel & Restaurant Trainers
Jim Knight is one of the best speakers and storytellers I know. He speaks with a one-of-a-kind entertaining, cool, irreverent style that engages any audience lucky enough tohear him on stage. His expert knowledge, captivating charm and contagious passion forbuilding a strong culture and sustainable brand is remarkable and puts him in a leagueof his own. You’re nuts if you don’t do whatever it takes to book this guy at your nextevent. He’s epic.
Founder & CEO, Be The Change Revolution
The Tennessee Chapter of MPI has had the wonderful opportunity to have Jim Knight asa keynote speaker 4 times in the last year. Our satisfaction scores were phenomenal foreach event. We are excited to say that the “Let MPI Rock Your World Road Trip” whichJim was the keynote speaker, won a coveted MPI International RISE Award.
Meeting Professionals International, TN Chapter
Jim is relevant, engaging and extremely motivating. Whether you’re planning a largeevent or a small group session, your dynamic experience with him is sure to beunforgettable . You will be equipped with the tools, passion and vision needed to follow-through on the next steps towards accomplishing what you set out to achieve.
Social Engagement & Brand Champion, Taco Bell
It’s not often I recommend another speaker, because mainly they’re full of hot air. Jim isdifferent. He combines the rare ingredients of passion and knowledge, with thespeaking ability to stand on the stage and have an audience tuned in from the first wordto the last. He’d be an asset to any event line-up.
Owner, Un-Marketing
I have been to many seminars throughout my career, but seldom have I found thespeaker to be as dynamic and passionate as Jim. He is sincere, knowledgable andpossesses the uncanny ability to connect with his audience. I look forward to everyopportunity to hear him speak.
I heard Jim speak in front of the National Association of Personnel Services. Jim is agifted speaker and teacher. His message about hospitality was inspiring and compelling,and his delivery was passionate and engaging.
Restaurant Executive Recruiter, Wray Executive Search
A funny thing happened on the way to the August 2012 HR Florida Conference. Ourkeynote speaker cancelled at the last minute! Over 1500 people were waiting. Thanks toJim Knight’s immediate response of “Yes I will be there for your group” the session wassaved. What a performance! And the audience’s response: “he was beyond amazing!”Who knew that the group would end up being thankful for the disappointment of losingour planned keynote. Jim was a great speaker, full of energy, humor and sage advice forHR business leaders. Jim rocked!
Owner, Roosa & Company, HR Contractor-Consultant
Jim is a talented, smart and inspirational speaker and facilitator. He is skillful atcommunicating core concepts and performance systems that help drive managementdevelopment and productivity, but at the same time keeps it real and entertaining. Igive Jim the strongest of recommendations.
Former General Manager, Hard Rock Cafe, Gatlinburg
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