SPEAK! Adds Mel Kleiman to Franchise Speakers Line-up
Front-line and Hourly Expert Franchise Speaker Mel Kleiman
SPEAK! recently added Mel Kleiman, Front-line and Hourly Employee Expert to our line-up of Franchise Speakers and are we ever excited to be working with such a pro! Mel’s has many years experience working with franchise systems of all sizes and has helped thousands of franchisees learn How to Build a Frontline That Beefs Up Bottom Line.
The following are just a few of the top takeaways from Mel's latest book, The 5 Firsts: A Simple System to On-board, Engage, and Retain Top Talent….
The number one reason great people leave is because A-players don't want to plan on C-teams and most managers aren't willing to get rid of their C- and D-players.
The best way to get great former employees to come back is to call and ask them. (This is especially effective during the first two weeks they started their new job.)
You get more than one chance to make a great first impression and improve new employee retention.
Managers need to be sure to provide the answers to all the same questions that are on every kid's mind the first day of school:
a. Will the teacher/boss like and support me?
b. How hard is the work; what is expected?
c. How will I be graded?
d. WillI be able to make friends and get along with
everyone here?
e. What happens if I have to go to the restroom? -
To make the first hour the best hour, the manager or direct supervisor must spend that time with new employees, not going over paperwork, but developing relationships.
People do things for their reasons, not ours, so make sure the first day is as much about what they need as it is about what you need.
At the end of the new hire's first week, ask these questions:
a. How did your week go? b. How could we have made it better?
c. What made you decide to come to work for us?
d. Why did you decide to leave your last employer?
e. Is there anyone where you used to work who you'd like
to have working with you here? -
Never forget the power of the first paycheck.
Learn to fail fast; it is a benefit to you, the organization, and the new employee.
Use the end of the first 30 days to improve your system and/or cut your losses.
Interested in finding out more about Mel? Check out this clip https://www.franchisespeakers.com/speakers/mel-kleiman
Franchise speaker Mel Kleiman offers real-world tools, tips and techniques to help franchisees hire better quicker and minimize costly mistakes.
Leading Authority on Employee Recruiting, Selection & Retention.
Mel Kleiman, CSP, is an internationally-known authority on recruiting, selecting and hiring hourly employees. He has over 30 years of practical experience, research, consulting and professional speaking work to his credit.