As a Dad: Father’s Day Thoughts
With Father’s Day around the corner, and as I sat and pondered what I might like to say about it, my thoughts were distracted by one of my favorite speakers—a man and father, as a matter of fact! And so I decided to reach out to a few of our long term, wonderful speaker friends and asked for wisdom, tidbits or tips on being a dad. I loved what I heard…I hope you do to.
From Kevin Brown:
“The role of a father is the most prized of all leadership roles. Our great responsibility is to draw out that which is within our children and create an environment where they can be the best version of themselves.”
From John Francis: (find info below on the Father’s Eve event John created)
“A few lessons I’ve learned in parenting – enjoy it while they’re young – have fun and remember you’re creating memories even if you aren’t aware of it – your kids learn from what they see you do – parent the child you have not the child you wish you had – leaving good quality children behind is the most important job anyone can do, maybe they’ll do something even more important than you do.”
From Scott Greenberg:
“You can’t teach your kids how to handle failure if you don’t allow them to practice.”
From Troy Hazard:
“I’m a late starter as a father, and it has been the best time of my life. I’m 54, we have a 4 and 6 yr old. My ‘job’ offers me the privilege of not only watching the ah-ha moments of the audiences we serve, but most importantly it allows me the quality time with my family to watch two little souls grow with the spirt of adventure and desire to learn. That’s the best gift a father can have!’’
From Craig Zablocki:
“My son has informed my speaking for the last 20 years (he’s now 20). As a single dad since he was one, we had a mantra..
Me: who loves u?
Son: daddy does.
Me: how much?
Son: up to the moon.
Me: when do I love u?
Son: all the time.
Me: for how long?
Son: for ever and ever.
Me: and where am I when I’m away?
Son: ur in my heart and I’m in yours.
Me: and I love u just….
Son: (With enthusiasm)… the way I am”
For those of you who are dads, wishing you a wonderful day of recognition and celebration. We are grateful to you for the beautiful next generation you are informing and nuturing.
More soon…
P.S. Check out this cool dad’s club event, called created by our franchise friend and speaker, John Francis. They are going on in 40+ cities and a few other countries this Father’s Day Eve! What a fantastic idea, John!