Colette Carlson: The Transformation of Connection

New to our official roster (but she’s worked with one of our favorite franchise clients, garnering wildly wonderful reviews), Colette Carlson is the Connection Catalyst! We all know relationships are critical, throughout the franchise system—within the franchisor team, franchisor/franchisee, field staff/franchisee, franchisee/employee, employee/customer. Colette says…

“Many Communicate. Few Connect.”

In a recent article entitled, The Cost of Leadership Inconsistency, Colette shares some interesting research, as well as points of focus for leaders…anywhere in your franchise system: “Leaders unknowingly destroy trust, undermine productivity, increase employee stress, and decrease engagement through inconsistent behaviors and practices.”

Recent research even suggests employees prefer a supervisor who consistently acts like a jerk rather than an unpredictable one who wavers between fairness and unfairness. Turns out erratic supervisors create higher levels of physiological stress in their employees than those who were treated poorly with consistency. Emotional exhaustion occurs when employees walk around on eggshells trying to second-guess how another will act or react to the same situation… How can leaders up their consistent quotient?

  1. Make and schedule time to regularly connect and communicate. Demanding jobs leave little space on your calendar for conversations, but make space anyway. How else can you learn what’s really going on in the trenches with your franchisee/employee and how best to support their growth? How else can you provide accurate, healthy feedback? How else can you share your franchise vision and values if you aren’t blocking time to make happen? Well-run team meetings effectively communicate with many, but one-on-one’s deliver priceless insight and make others feel valued.
  2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Following through on your word gives people clarity and peace of mind. Rather than worrying about or doubting a situation, franchisees/employees jump into action with satisfaction.
  3. Stay the Course. After committing to a plan of action, see it through to completion. Chasing the shiny new object or flavor of the month creates lack of focus for your team and devalues their work to date. Should an unforeseen situation demand you switch gears, see #1.”

Interesting, right? With a Master’s Degree in Human Behavior and 20 years speaking and coaching, Colette has valuable content AND grabs attention from the stage. Through her engaging humor AND by doing her homework up front she ENSURES a lock step connection with her audience. This connection is the catalyst for exponential change in franchise relationships, employee engagement and in the customer WOW factor!

Colette’s fees start at $10,000 (extraordinary value!) and she travels from San Diego, CA. I’d love to talk more about Colette and the difference she can make at your next event.

More soon…


P.S. If you’ve not yet booked a speaker(s) for your 2017 events, NOW is the time. Several times this week, we’ve had speakers who are wonderful fits for our clients, already booked for their event dates. Call me to start your speaker search and place holds on speaker calendars, while you run through your options and decision-making process!

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