…pouring through profile after profile, sorting and sorting to narrow down the search, watching videos, reading auto-biographic words about background, strengths and passions, trying to read between the lines to find the perfect fit—all the while wondering what is it you’re NOT seeing?
Now I’ll admit, sometimes this really IS fun AND sometimes successful (I know several people that have had success in the online dating world—or who have found speakers on their own), but…I DO call myself a match maker, so at least in the speaker arena, I’m fairly optimistic that I can help. 🙂
We have created a 10 Step Checklist for Choosing The Right Franchise Speakers to help focus your search efforts—we hope it’s useful in your event planning. And over here at SPEAK!, we take vetting speakers very seriously—whether speakers we already work with and can now recommend whole-heartedly or ones you’ve found or heard about that you’d love helping in learning more about.
Here are a few things Team SPEAK! looks for in the pruning process:
- Franchise savvy.
- Have you ever watched a speaker and thought they were perfect, but then found their fee WAY beyond your budget? Perhaps it’s similar to adoring David Beckham or Jennifer Anniston (People magazine’s #1’s for 2016)—despite their apparent perfection 🙂 , are they really even close to a perfect match?!?
- Event theme and learning objectives
- The culture fit for your franchise system.
Check out our downloadable 10 Step Checklist or let’s talk and explore ideas. I’d love to make the perfect match!
More soon…
P.S. We’re always looking for fresh and wonderful franchise savvy speakers. If you’ve seen or heard about awesome speakers, shoot me a quick email with their name. Recommendations from franchisors are the most valuable feedback we can gather. Thanks!