Ford Saeks, Franchise Convention Speaker Extraordinaire, offers a simple three step process to create a “Massive Momentum Action Plan” to share with franchisees…
Ford Saeks – Franchise Convention Speaker Extraordinaire
Strategic planning is not always on top of the priority list for busy franchise owners. The day-to-day commitments of being a business owner (taking care of customers, sales, marketing, employee issues, payroll, etc.) can fill a day from start to end, and sitting down to look at the big picture is often the last thing you want to do.
If we took a poll and asked any franchise business owner, they would surely agree that it’s necessary to have a strategic plan in place. Often times, the hang-up is knowing where to start. To help you over that hurdle, here’s my Massive Momentum Action Plan (MMAP). This simple, 3-step process helps business owners stay focused in a strategic way. What are you waiting for? It’s only three steps to success!
Step 1 of Ford’s MMAP is mind mapping – dumping everything out of your head and into a workable image that you can reflect on. This is an invaluable exercise because if you’re anything like me, I think of a hundred new ideas a day; the problem is organizing, prioritizing and actually executing them.
Note: We use LucidChart’s Mind Mapping tool but there are several other great ones out there…check out this article.
I also appreciate Ford’s advice to ask yourself if the action items taken from your mind map are “lifestyle friendly” (are they doable or not?). For example, if you are like me and aren’t keen on tweeting, following, unfollowing, RTing and every other thing that happens within the Twitterverse, then implementing a marketing plan where you’re executing a social media campaign that has a high focus on Twitter is not likely to sustain or garner success.
Ford has a brilliant strategic planning and marketing mind and is passionate about helping franchisees get focused. Let me know if you’re interested in talking about how he might help get your franchisees on a strategic track at your next franchise convention!
More soon…
P.S. Here’s are a couple of comments from recent clients who we have placed with Ford…
We so appreciate the incredible value that Ford brings to our franchisees that we have brought him back 3 YEARS IN A ROW! – Director of Meetings, Gold’s Gym
“Ford’s impact at our franchise convention was fantastic. We loved what he brought to the event so much, we hired him to help us at the home office as well!” – CEO, Murphy Business