I recently attended an event put on by Bonnie Siegel and her team at ASE Group, and after being ‘WOWED’ by the attention to detail and overall fabulousness of the meeting, I wanted to extract some knowledge out of her head that would be helpful to other franchise systems that are knee-deep in meeting planning mode.
Bonnie and her team do an incredible job at being what they call, “Brand Translators”, for their franchise clients. What this means is that they become students of the brands they work with – making certain that the meeting attendees (most often times a mix of franchisee, franchisor, and vendor partners) have a united vision of the meeting’s value.
Creating a high-value meeting that is worth every cent spent (which all of us who work in the meetings industry know can turn into MANY, MANY cents), takes a deliberate balance of creativity and logistics. Making certain that these two areas are “talking” to each other and that the work is not being done in silos is critical to any meeting’s success. Just like with a good business plan, meeting strategy and tactics need to align in order to achieve maximum impact on attendees.
And any of you who know me personally, know how passionate we are about making sure that franchisors get the maximum ROI from what we consider to be the most important marketing initiative of the year – the annual franchise convention!
Here’s my short interview with Bonnie:
More soon…
PS – And if you have a meeting coming up this fall, don’t forget that Greg Nathan, International authority on building healthy franchise relations will be in North America September 30 thru October 11, 2013. Check out these testimonial clips from many industry leaders for direct feedback on what working with Greg for 2 days in the Franchise Relations Boot Camp environment was like for them. https://www.franchisespeakers.com/events/franchise-relations-fan-club/#