How To Make Your Own Cell Phone Daycare Center

Last week, we shared the very best meeting idea we have seen in a long time – Karen Samples’  Cell Phone Daycare Center’.

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Karen Samples, FOCUS Brands and her “Cell Phone Daycare Center”

We have had such a great response from our network with many of you asking for the details of how Karen actually put this together, that we rang Karen and she generously agreed to share the details.

How to Make Your Own Cell Phone Daycare Center

  1. Over the door shoe rack  – The Organizer Store
  2. Foam core pieces, pre-cut to fit in the shoe slots. Note from Karen, “Paper was too flimsy – we tried that.  The foam core helps the pockets hold their shape.  Michael’s just happened to have the foam core pieces pre-cut.  We also used a different color for each organizer so that the different groups attending the meeting could keep t

    heir digital kids all together.” – Michael’s

  3. Thick marker to number the foam core for each slot in the shoe organizer.  – Michael’s
  4. Large loose-leaf rings, silver – Staples
  5. Command Strip Hooks for the ballroom walls – Note from Karen, “We needed to find something that would hold the weight of the cell phones in the organizer but would not damage the hotel’s ballroom walls.  The Command Strip Hooks worked perfectly with the loose-leaf rings hooked through the grommets of the shoe organizer. We received approval from the hotel staff

    in advance as well.”

Thanks again Karen for sharing the details of your fabulous solution with our community.  We very much appreciate your idea and your willingness to share how you got it done!

More soon…


P.S.  Thought you might also appreciate this article from Nova on the effects of multitasking

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