Working with Katrina Mitchell has been a joy and a privilege. I love her enthusiasm, passion and attention to detail. She really does her homework on understanding her clients’ needs, making sure they get the best and most appropriate speakers for their events. I hope to have many, many more opportunities to work with Katrina!
–Shep Hyken
Customer Service Expert and New York Times Bestselling Business Author
Author of Moments of Magic
My scores for Katrina Mitchell – Integrity: 10 out of 10. Ability to listen: 10 out of 10. Committed to her customers: 10 out of 10. Treats her speakers right: 10 out of 10. Work ethic: 15 out of 10. Cuts corners to get to bed on time: 1 out of 10. Tolerates lack of accountability: 1.3 out of 10. Your score if you think you can find a more reliable source of help: 0 out of 10.
–Rick Lewis
Professional Misbehaver – Author, Speaker, Entertainer
Author of 7 Rules You Were Born to Break
I first met Katrina at an IFA convention round table several years ago Her sincerity, warmth and direct style of communication impressed me, so much so I decided I would very much like to work with her on some franchise education projects. My judgement call was rewarded. Katrina has been a joy to work with – conscientious, absolutely focused on adding value to our clients and, possibly most importantly, totally trustworthy at every level. I reckon that is a pretty refreshing combination. And one more thing, though she’d never tell you this. She is quite a savvy presenter, MC and facilitator in her own right.
Thanks Katrina for all the support you have provided for me and the Franchise Relationships Institute.
–Greg Nathan
Founder, Franchise Relationships Institute
Author of Profitable Partnerships
Enter Katrina Mitchell – one phone call with Katrina and it was clear if we were going to make a break into the franchise space she was going to be the one to help us do it. 4 years down the track, she remains THE most connected person in franchising I know in the United States. You want to know someone in franchising, she’s either met them, worked with them, partnered with them, hired speakers for them, helped them plan their event, delivered them an outstanding result, added serious amount of value to their business….. or trained their dog.
For me, as a franchise speaker of many years, Katrina is without a doubt our single biggest asset in the franchise space and our most loved bureau contact in the USA. She is the only bureau that takes time out of her calendar year on year to plan marketing events with us, develop strategy, come up with business development ideas and plan our future together as business partners. And the professional energy she exudes certainly makes it a pleasure to work with her.
–Troy Hazard
Franchise Business & Relationships Expert
Author of Future-Proofing Your Business
You could call Katrina smart, detail-minded, and of course, you could say she is careful to make good matches which she does with integrity. You could say all that and more but the fact is…we just like her!
–T. Scott Gross
Author of Positively Outrageous Service
As a professional speaker for over 30 years, I have come to place a high value on the relationships that I’ve developed with the true professionals in this business. Katrina Mitchell is not only a consumate professional, but she is also a real pleasure to work with. Katrina knows her business inside out and is great at finding just the right match between client and speaker. I hope to continue doing business with Katrina and SPEAK! for many years to come.
–Joe Calloway
Author of Becoming a Category of One
Katrina understands both sides of the business and it shows in the results she gets as Chief Match Maker. She knows how to ask the right questions of her franchise clients to effectively match the right speaker/trainer to the opportunity. She is a specialist in working with top franchisors to help make their events memorable. Detailed oriented and enthusiastic! she is a valuable partner for me.
–Chip Eichelberger
Author of Switch On Your Persuasion! and Telling Your Story with Impact